Similar words: take to, take the cake, take time, take turns, take the road, take the lead, take the plunge, heart. Meaning: v. get down to; pay attention to; take seriously.
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1, So it is also the diet to choose if you have sensibly taken to heart the well-established benefits of reducing fat intake.
2, Martin has taken to heart the always-good advice to write about what you know.
3, Take to heart what you know about moderating your Type A behavior.
4, Hopes Hong guard Hernandez to take to heart expressed.
5, Don't take to heart what happened just now.
6, I hop you will take to heart the warning you have been given.
7, The advice you give me, I will take to heart.
8, They wanted to howl me down, but I didn't take to heart.
9, This is the lesson which the wrestler - and we present-day followers of the Buddha's Truth - can valuably learn and take to heart.
10, Still,( to heart.html) there were some red flags and lessons that we should all take to heart.
11, And that's a lesson one hopes American policy makers will take to heart.
More similar words: take to, take the cake, take time, take turns, take the road, take the lead, take the plunge, heart, partaker, take part, take the place of, at heart, hearty, take apart, hearten, by heart, take part in, heartily, dishearten, lose heart, heartening, take the bull by the horns, heart and soul, heartbroken, wholehearted, earthquake, state-of-the-art, state of the art, wholeheartedly, heartbreaking.